Singing Guide: Mariah Carey

Singing Guide: Mariah Carey

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Learning to Sing Like Mariah Carey

Mariah Carey is one of the most renowned vocalists of our time. Her vocal range spans multiple octaves and she is known for her incredibly high-pitched whistle notes. In order to learn to sing like Mariah Carey, you need to focus on some key aspects of your technique and style.

Developing Your Head Voice and Whistle Register

One of the most distinctive features of Mariah Carey's singing style is her use of her head voice and whistle register. To develop your head voice, focus on breathing from your diaphragm and lifting your soft palate, while keeping a relaxed jaw and tongue. The best way to practice singing in your head voice is by starting with scales and exercises in the middle of your range and slowly moving up to the higher notes.

Once you can sing comfortably in your head voice, you can start working on your whistle register. This is a very difficult technique and requires a lot of practice. The key is to work on producing a clear, pure and controlled whistle tone. You can start practicing by making a 'hoo' sound with your lips pursed together, and then slowly opening them.

Mastering Vibrato

Vibrato is an essential part of Mariah Carey's singing style. It adds depth and richness to her voice and makes her sound more emotive. To master vibrato, practice singing long sustained notes with a relaxed throat and jaw. You can try using the Farinelli breathing technique, as demonstrated in this video, to help you control your breath and support your voice.

Singing With Emotion

Mariah Carey is known for her ability to connect emotionally with her audience. In order to do the same, you must practice singing with intention and feeling. One technique that can help you sing with more emotion is by using your breath to mimic the emotions in the song. Another technique is to focus on the lyrics and the meaning behind them. Singing along to songs that speak to you can also help you learn to sing with emotion.

Practicing Your Performance

Mariah Carey is a masterful performer. To learn to perform like her, practice your stage presence. Work on posture and breathing, as demonstrated in this video, and practice singing in front of a mirror. You can also use the Singing Carrots tips for performing on stage article here to help you improve your performance skills.

Relevant Singing Carrots Resources

There are many Singing Carrots resources that can help you learn to sing like Mariah Carey. Use the Vocal range test to determine your vocal range and how it compares to Mariah Carey's. You can find songs that match your vocal range and genre preference here. The educational singing course will provide you with the theory and practical tips you need to improve your singing voice. Finally, the Pitch Training educational singing game will help you with pitch accuracy and range.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.